lunedì 10 luglio 2023

Card "Be happy" by Roberta

"Quando ti piace un fiore,
semplicemente lo cogli.
Ma quando ami un fiore,
lo annaffi tutti i giorni."

Buongiorno a tutti!

Ho creato questa semplice card con  il digital stamp Simply Pot, che sarà disponibile a breve nello shop di Mirtillamente Craft Shop sia in versione colorata che da colorare.

Per realizzare il mio progetto, ho stampato il digital su cartoncino adatto all'utilizzo dei pennarelli ad alcool e poi l'ho colorato con gli Spectrum Noir Classique.
Lo sfondo, invece, l'ho realizzato con un cartoncino bianco su cui ho incollato delle strisce di cartoncino nero che poi ho embossato con una fustella floreale.

Mi trovate anche su instagram   @robyscrap  e su facebook La Scrap Caverna


14 commenti:

  1. What a beautiful floral stamp and gorgeous card! Thank you so much for sharing with us at Allsorts challenge!

  2. Lovely card, the red flowers are so striking. Thank you for joining in the Allsorts Challenge this week and for choosing to use the Embossing Folder option.
    Liz xx

  3. Una carta floreale davvero sbalorditiva, i rossi risaltano davvero contro il nero, molte grazie per aver condiviso su Allsorts questa settimana e Stamping Sensations e We Love Stamping temi floreali di luglio.

    B x

  4. A beautiful floral stamp and great layout. Thanks for joining us at Allsorts challenge this week.

  5. Beautifully done. The flower looks like a red snowdrop! Very unusual.
    Carol xx
    CD Sunday Plus DT

  6. Lovely card and color choices. Thanks for playing along with us at the Jan's Digi Stamps Challenge and we hope you'll share again soon.
    Donna xx

  7. I like your colour choices for this card, it works so well together. Thank you for sharing with us.
    Jocelyn x
    CD Sunday Plus DT

  8. Wonderful design for this beautiful floral card. Thank you for joining us at Sweet Stampin. Pat K x

  9. A really pretty card. The simplicity of the background works well with the image.
    CD Sunday Plus DT.

  10. Very pretty card, I like the colour of your snowdrop, very unusual
    Thank you for joining us
    CD Sunday plus DT

  11. Very striking background and it makes your flowers pop perfectly. Thanks for joining us at Stamping Sensations this month.

  12. Oh wow - such a wonderful image and fabulous background! Stunning! Thanks for joining in with us at Crafty Calendar Challenge, Sarah - DT.

  13. Beautiful - love the background you created.

    Thanks for joining us at the Crafts Galore Encore Challenge.

    Helen x

  14. Me again!

    Thanks for joining us at the Creative Moments Challenge too.

    Helen x


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